Tuesday, June 14, 2011

First post of 2011...in June, yea...

um....Wassup...? I honestly can't find any excuses for my inactive blog anymore. My laziness has been reigning over me for a while. I even gained a few extra pounds (hum...useless detail? =_=) I'm not saying im not lazy anymore, but...instead of laying in front of my screen doing nothing, how about laying in front of my screen and BLOG at the same time! WOW i feel so productive right now! :)

k, nuff said. Move on to something more interesting, for example: how my life has been since last...July? :) To be honest, no big changes. Except that I have spent a lot of time...on youtube watching makeups tutorials. And I finally told myself I should try making videos as well!! So yea...im here to announce from now on, I will become a new makeup guru on youtube!!!!!!!



Jokeplate. I know, sorry ladies (I assume that most of my readers are girls..because they are probably only my friends..oui je parle de vous la oui toi. loll)

No, but seriously...i'm not going to share anything through youtube; however, I will try my best to at least share my opinions about beauty products via my blog even if i'm not a professional and far from being one. ;) Besides, I will still keep you guys updated about my life (not only makeups!)

Stay tuned for my next post: Surf, Baby! from MAC + ELF haul!
